Wednesday 7 August 2013

Whimsical theatrical delights

We thought it was about time we revisited our love of Tim Walker's whimsical photos. Walker's work encapsulates everything Paper Hat just loves: style, imagination, surrealism to create those iconic dream-like theatrical sets! He works with some amazing set designs like Shona Heath to bring his imagination to life. As a theatre designer I get so frustrated at how undervalued the designer is... the fabric of the theatre is where the magic comes to life after all.
 because here at Paper Hat we just love love love puppets these two are perfect!

 Then of course there is this classic balloon piece. Great idea for decorating the outside of a wedding venue too!
 This nostalgic photograph is so whimsical and yet so simple. now you know how much we love flowers at Paper Hat, can you image recreating this but with a mannequin's legs- a bit creepy but could be a really fun party prop!
 More nature seeping in to these prints.... and a giant WATERING CAN! it's like Peter Rabbit meets Marie Antoinette!
 Now this would be brilliant at a party wouldn't it!
 SWANS! I'm in love with all things swan related. For my own wedding Im having flowers in little ceramic swans!

 ... but the paper swan is my all time favourite!
 Some of Walker's best works have simple but bold and magical sets.