Friday, 11 December 2015

The house

We finally moved in 3 weeks after Little O arrived. Moving with a newborn wasn't as bad as everyone said it would be but never-the-less it left little time for Paper Hat and so we are having a little break from parties but will be available again in the Spring. In the meantime I will start posting the little DIY projects I have time for between feeding, changing, sleeping and playing! To start with here are some pics of the house.

Black white and green is a theme running through the house starting in the hall with the original black and white tiles and linked by the stairs all the way to the top. The racing green carpet was a real steal.

I got these lovely matt tiles from Fired Earth at a discount as they were seconds but I can't tell! They go wonderfully with the camomile coloured paint. 

Ice cream coloured cupboards. still not sure about my handles though. 

I couldn't be happier with my multicoloured bathroom. I got the idea from an episode of channel 4's Grand Designs so I can't take the credit for it. The grey matt tiles really make the colours pop. 

Carrying on the black white and green theme is the big bathroom with free standing bath. We bought the cabinet from a junk shop on Chatsworth road (love that street!)

And the kitchen 'hole' in the wall... and our copper pipe for hanging pots and pans.