Wednesday, 30 March 2016

About London: apps & websites

It's the Easter hols and Im sure everyone is fretting about WHAT TO DO! Little O is only 5 months old so Ive got the whole school holiday activity list to come but in the meantime I have EVERYDAY to fill! Here is what I rely on to inspire, stimulate and entertain the little beast and me!

Just discovered 'Hoop', a great new app to find out whats on for you and your family locally... "part of every parents must have tool kit" it is bang on.

An obvious one is Time Out London and this week Im off to try and update my post baby wardrobe at the American Apparel Pop up in Brick Lane, will pop in and see the Performing for the Camera and Calder show at the Tate Modern and the exhibition that accompanies the National theatre's " Damon Albarn and Rufus Norris's musical version of 'Alice in Wonderland',, is accompanied by this exhibition of digital experiences which is designed to immerse its audience in weird and wonderful worlds. Experience a virtual reality music video with a 360° landscape of pulsating garden, play with a physically reactive Kinect version of the wonderland and meet an Augmented Reality magic mirror wall."

Blogs I refer to:
Tired of London Tired of Life (also has a book out)
London Living, I discovered this blog because of those infamous rainbow bagels that recently London, particularly good if you live East.
Poppy Loves 
Style East (ok so not exactly a whats on guide and more of whats hot guide!)
East London Mornings (super for coffee lovers)