Friday, 8 April 2016
Baby Food: purees
I wanted to do baby led weaning but we started O on food early to see if it would help with the reflux so the closest we can get to blw is giving him the spoon.I highly recommend storing the mush in ice cube bags... you can pop them out in the morning and the little cubes are a perfect size. If traveling about for the day I defrost them in the little plastic John Lewis baby feeding pots. Top tip for getting the puree into the ice cube bags is an icing bag and patience! I also have the River Cottage Baby & Toddler Cookbook, great for information about nutrition plus sensible weaning advice and about getting the baby involved in family meals. Annabel Karmel is also really good to get started but in my book she adds fruit to most of the mixed veg purees which Im worried would encourage a sweet tooth... veg has plenty of sweetness to it and a bit of common sense helps too. For example spinach might be a challenge by itself so I added carrot to it to sweeten the deal... he lapped it up! Favourites so far are pea, parsnip, broccoli and pear. Not so sure about apple weirdly even after raisin was added.